I am excited to let everyone know that the website now has a few new features and will continue to be modified and tweaked to perfection over the next week! You will now see that the “WATCH LIVE” tab is now clickable, allowing you to view the video stream which will soon be LIVE! In addition you will now see a “SCEDULE” link that has some preliminary scheduling for the show to give you an idea of the time lines I will be attempting to follow. Please note that USTREAM allows great features for instant notifications of my streaming via Twitter, Facebook etc. It also allows for you to chat and interact with me live while broadcasting! Lastly, all streaming will be recorded and be available for viewing for those who have missed a show or are in a different time zone.
This NEWS area will be where all new updates and information will be kept, allowing you to post comments and leave your feedback etc! So any information related to the site, sponsor updates or anything else that I find exciting will be posted here! I am attempted to centralize all information to this website directly so please be sure to bookmark the page. If anyone have any recommendations for the site please feel free to comment!